Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cheers to Hardworking Waiting Room Inhabitants

This is the fam at the waiting station. We drowned our bodies in Starbucks so we could stick it out for the whole evening, twilight, midnight, wee small pre-dawn hours, the whole bit. We remained there, holding down the fort. Suzie and Nathan had lots of activity in the labor/delivery room to keep them awake, what with all the laborious delivering. The true challenge in all of this was reserved for us four soldiers.

The only things being delivered in our region of the medical facility were corny jokes. That's right folks. We had only jokes, crocheting, Jackie Chan flicks, Starbucks, and enormous posters showing grotesque lungs blackened from smoking to keep us awake. (Corny joke deliverers pictured below.)
People ask us how we did it. I tell them I don't know. All I can say is that when something like the birth of a child happens to a family, somewhere deep down inside they find a way to endure that series of inconvenient hardships until the sweet end. Take heart friends. If we can do it, you can too.

Speaking of hardship, this is a good time to mention that for the first entire half of the night, our waiting room's temperature hugged the 55 degree mark on the thermostat. So here is one poor soul, desperately trying to get some zzzzs in her abominable snowman winter coat, earmuffs, and a silk scarf to block out that blinding artificial light.

(Note: Subject of photo was not aware photo was being taken, or she may have tried to look less absurd. Photographer suspect is as of yet unidentified; however, cutting-edge composite technology reveals suspect may look something like this:)

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